ADR 2023

The table A in the chapter 3.2 of the ADR bundles all dangerous goods information which you need for your transport documents. Unfortunately, many details are encoded and, hence, you cannot simply take the data over in practice. We have decoded and structured the data; thus you quickly find what you are looking for and can work with the information immediately. We have removed the lower-case components of the substance name in the eska dangerous goods data. You can import the name one-to-one into the transport documents. If required, we also deliver substance names in foreign languages. Where there are several details in a column of a regulation – like the transport category and the tunnel restriction code – we have split the details into individual columns. Therefore you can use the data immediately. The eska dangerous goods data provide additional information: You can use the information concerning LQ and the Excepted Quantities (E0 to E5) for the calculation and indication of quantities. Using the eska dangerous goods data means that you are up-to-date at all times.