For transport by inland waterway vessel, the hazardous substances information for the transport document can be found in the list of hazardous substances contained in Chapter 3.2 of the ADN (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways). We have compiled the table in the eska-ADN hazardous substances data. In addition to the general points of the hazardous substances declaration for the inland waterway transport documentation, you will also find information on equipment, ventilation, measures during loading, unloading and transport and the number of cones/lights. The eska-ADN hazardous substances data naturally also includes the ADN-specific 9000 UN numbers.
In the eska-ADN hazardous substances data, we have removed the lower-case components of the "Name and description" column of the list of hazardous substances from Chapter 3.2 of the ADN in a separate data field. Your advantage: This allows you to insert the official name in capital letters directly in your inland waterway transport documentation. If required, we can also supply you with these official names in many other languages of the ADN contracting states.